Map of the world online

Find a spot on the world map using GPS coordinates or vice versa


DD (decimal degrees)


DMS (degrees, minutes, secondes)


How to use the search service places on the map for your GPS coordinates!

If you want to know GPS coordinates for example: your home, you must enter in the search field (Address)
your home address and click on the search button (Find coordinates GPS) mark on the world map will show
location and you also get the data in (DD) and (DMS) if more data is clearly explained in the
(DMS) and have GPS coordinates of the point on the world map.

You can also search for places on the map (decimal degrees), for this you need to enter your data
in the appropriate fields (Latitude) and (W) and click on the search button (Find Address) on a geographical
world map, you will see the marker, its position on the map and will meet your request.

It is also possible to search for a point on the map of the world on your GPS coordinates (DMS), you need to
in the appropriate fields (latitude) and (latitude) to enter your GPS coordinates and click on the search button
(Find Address) will be displayed on a map marker, its position on the world map and will
match your search query.

You can also find GPS coordinates point on the world map by simply clicking the left button of a computer
click on the desired position on the map of the world and you get the exact GPS coordinates of
the place is a very handy feature will help you find on a map (GPS coordinates).

Enjoy using our services!

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