Map of the world online

Measuring range on the world map

Enter city

You can change the radius of the circle by dragging the marker on the map!


Measure the radius at the map of the world, our service
It will allow you to measure the precise radius on the map.

How to use our service!

To do this, you need to find a place on the map where you want to measure the radius
it would be faster to find your location, you can specify your city or town
in the text box (Enter city) where you will make your measurement range, and click
button (Search on the map), now find a place on the map where you need to make
calculation of the radius, by clicking the left button of a computer mouse on the map in the place where
you start your payment radius will circle and two markers, one in the center of the circle
and second on the circumference of a circle, the circle geometric shape can be moved on the world map for
this you need to click the left button of a computer mouse on a marker in the center of
circle and drag the circle to any other place on the world map, in order to stretch
the radius of the circle to do the same thing with a marker on the circumference of a circle, so you can
reduce or increase the radius of the circle.

The radius can be measured: meters, kilometers, feet, miles, nautical miles.
The radius of the circle - the distance from the center of the circle to any point of the circumference of a circle
Simply put it is half the distance of the diameter of the circle.
The diameter of a circle is twice the radius.
Circle - a circle border.

By default, the start radius of the circle is 20 kilometers.
Calculating the radius on the map can be any number.
If you need to remove the fill color inside the circle, click on the (Remove fill color).
If you need to remove the last calculation, click on the (Remove all calculations).
If you need to remove all the calculations, press the (Delete all calculations).

Measuring range on the map can be useful if you need to find out for example
how many cities or towns located within 50 kilometers from the center of
your measurements, as well as in other cases.

Enjoy your use of our services!

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